Interesting. Looking at the menu and especially the beers (one Spanish, one Italian, Corona the Mexican), it looks like they are taking share from pubs by offering a more Latin and fancy theme at least in the food. This would explain them doing well on the like for like sales and pubs struggling with the old UK pub image.

I think it is key to understand the customer more to understand what is happening. Interesting. Living in Spain, I would love a proper English or Irish pub in my area, but I guess the Brits love something more exotic like Loungers. I like the idea!

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Many thanks for your comment, Olivier.

I think you are onto something, in terms of the modern, international appeal of Lounge.

Management have commented that the eclectic menu gives them plenty of flexibility to adapt to changing tastes over time. They are not committed to just one cuisine, and can easily test new dishes and swap in something different when they refresh the menu every six months or so.

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