Great writeup Alex! Well researched and summarised. Thank you for writing it

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Was there a management shift that led to a greater focus on profitability from 2013 onwards? Coincides with the weakening of the Japanese yen.

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Good question. No particular step change or dramatic outsider that I can detect. The norm in these Japanese companies is brief terms as CEO by life-long insiders operating as a collegiate and close-knit team. The emphasis is generally on continuity or incremental change. Looks like they did a great job collectively in recognising the benefits of refocusing the company towards the strongest biz.

Specifically, Masaaki Sakaguchi was CEO and representative director from 2010 to 2015.

Yoshihiro Nogami became group CEO from 2015, and previously served as CEO of DIS for many years during the positive inflection.

Both were company insiders / lifers who joined the group way back in the early 1970s and cut their teeth in the fiber textiles business.

Yukihiro Nishimura became CEO in 2020, having joined in 1985 and having also served as MD of DIS during the improvement phase.

Hiroyuki Matsumoto is the current CEO - also a life-long insider.

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